Export Quality Low E.C Coconut Peat

We are the coco peat manufacture and whole sale dealer in India at TamilNadu (Pollachi.)
Coconut fiber manufacturing time remaining sheaved material is coco peat. We collect coco peat and put in big ground of metric tons.
After spreading water to two or three times getting a low E.C quality. After we put direr machine or manually dry it in exposing sunlight.
After we collect peat dust sheaved two, three times later that we make 5 kg bricks with help of machines.
Our peat used for horticultural and agricultural applications and industrial adsorbent.
We packing pallet and raw coconut peat by bags on the basis of customers needs

Our Coconut Fiber Specification:

E.C low E.C
Black 5kg black
Unit Weight 5 kg (+/-3%)
Bale Dimension 30x30x12cm
EC Greater than 1 MS/CM
PH :6 Compression Ratio 5:1
Moisture 12-15%
Dehydrated Yield 75
Weed Seed Nil